5 Things A Wedding Planner Is Not

March 13, 2021 Comment

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Most couples have some perceptions about vendors and wedding planners and some even tend to treat and talk to them anyhow. If you’re planning on contacting a planner for your wedding, you should consider these things in order to relate with them well.


1. The planner is not a servant to the couple

The planner is around to guide and help plan the event to its climax. The fact that you are paying them for their services does not mean they should be running errands meant for others to do. They are basically the supervisors of the events and should be seen in that regard. They are around to check and double check, attend to guests to know what they want not to be sent around doing other things.


2.A wedding planner is not the same as the bridesmaid or maid of honor

The roles of Maid of Honor and Best Man have evolved over the years and they vary from wedding to wedding. However, no Maid of Honor is going to be counting chairs to make sure the tables are correct, so it doesn’t make sense for the planner to step in and handle the MOH’s responsibilities either. The planner is in charge of décor, catering and the vendors and they need to focus on your event. If you need something, you should just tell your maid of honor.


3.A wedding planner is not a rental company

The job of a planner is to plan and not to execute. If it is required to arrange chairs and tables to the venue, you don’t expect only the planner to be running around arranging chairs and cleaning them and after the event, she packs them. She is responsible for making sure the place has been decorated and arranged.


4.A wedding planner is not a relationship therapist

It is okay to have a warm conversation with your planner but it is sometimes dangerous if you allow them into your relationship. Some couples tend to tell their planners more than they should. You should control how you communicate with them because after the wedding, they would be busy planning other events and you would be able to send them late messages again about how insecure you are.


5.A wedding planner is not a magician

Some couples put pressure on planners before and during their wedding. You should give them the space they need to work and plan your event because if they provide you with a rushed event, you would complain. You don’t expect to give a planner a low budget and expect her to work out some magic and turn it into a Hollywood or a ‘Kenny 2020’ type of wedding.


One thought on “5 Things A Wedding Planner Is Not

  1. Masab

    4 years ago

    Thank you for the word so sweet

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